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May 31, 2020

People Confused about the Bread of Life

Passage: John 6:28-35
Service Type:

Bible Text: John 6:28-35 | Preacher: Stephen Howard | Series: John | This is a recording of most of the service, including congregational singing and special music. Ron and Becky Margraff gave a message in song. Pastor Howard preached on “People Confused about the Bread of Life” from John 6:28-35. Songs recorded in the service were all public domain except the following:

“Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” Words by William Williams, Music by John Hughes, Arr. by Norman Johnson © 1968 by Singspiration, Inc., Used by permission, CCLI Lic. # 3272530

“Why?” Words and Music by John M. Moore © 1968 by Singspiration, Inc., Used by permission, CCLI Lic. # 3272530